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What do I do with plastic bread tags?

A lot of you have probably already seen this image doing the rounds on socials.In case you haven’t, TipTop recently changed the toggles that help keep the plastic bread bags tied up from plastic to cardboard.Whilst we applaud the thought behind this, there’s a couple of things we’d like to highlight with this change.Firstly, there is still single use plastic bread bags being used to house the bread itself.While the soft plastic bread bag CAN be recycled through a program like REDcycle, they’re often not and end up in landfill or our waterways.We need to shift our focus away from the thinking up ways to recycle plastic once we’re finished with it to reducing our initial consumption to begin with. There's only...

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What plastics are recycled at home?

It's a common thought for people at home. This item is plastic, can it be recycled? So, to help people do the right thing at home, we've summarised the do's and don'ts of at home recycling, with a printout for you to pop somewhere near your bin to help the whole family get on board! Believe it or not, that little number inside the triangle on your plastic waste means something! It equates to the type of plastic that has been used to create that item and whether or not it can be recycled at home or industrially, trashed or possibly enter an alternative recycling program such as REDcycle. To keep it simple and brief for you: #1 = CAN be recycled...

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What are some alternatives to plastic grocery bags?

It’s generally accepted now that single use plastic grocery bags are not the best invention when it comes to environmental sustainability. They are not the way to ensure a clean, green and healthy future for our children.   But, when we still live very busy lives and are incredibly time poor, convenience is a must in our daily lives and single use bags at the supermarket just made things so easy. No worries about forgetting the reusable bags in the car (or at home). No reducing the amount of shopping you do to fit the bags you have with you. No buying additional bags that you need at the moment, but don’t need later, you have enough at home.  ...

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Are paper or plastic bags better for the environment?

They are lauded for being made from renewable sources, being recyclable and or  compostable. They are old fashioned and very familiar, paper bags. Paper bags are thought of as the environmentally better option when compared to single use plastic bags. Makes sense doesn’t it? There’s no (or minimal) oil used in a paper bags manufacture that causes pollution and is a renewable resource. Unlike plastics. Also, paper bags break down easily, so don’t litter our waterways and oceans forever. The following might be very surprising to you then...   Research says: Recent research and studies into the impacts of plastic and paper bags on the environment show some very interesting results. They suggest that it may be a misconception that...

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How long can you keep bread in the freezer?

There’s no doubting it, there is NOTHING like fresh bread. Hot, crusty with its soft, pillowy centre… it’s one of life’s very simple luxuries and we all love it. And don’t get me started on that heavenly smell of a freshly cooked or heated loaf… Source:   But unfortunately, that fluffy goodness doesn’t stay fresh for very long. In what can seem like the blink of an eye your cherished loaf of bread is hard and stale, or worse still, growing its own little ecosystem of grey, green, white or strangely multicoloured mould. Even with the help or your best friend the Aussie Bread Bag assisting. So, what do we do? We run the gauntlet and plunge our precious bread...

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