Week #18. Pre-loved is the new black.

Did you know that the average Australian buys an average of 27kg of textiles each year (including leather and homewares) and then discards 23kg into landfill, mostly synthetic fibres.
Making the annual amount of textiles Australians consume double the global average of 13kg a person.

Unfortunately the introduction of super cheap, fast fashion has created a new generation who will purely buy something just because it’s ‘cheap’, not necessarily because they need it, therefore place little value on their garments and would happily toss them in the bin after only one wear without a second thought. 

Remember, what goes in your rubbish bin, goes to landfill. 
To avoid adding to this problem, next time you want to clean out your cupboard and offload excess clothing, sheets or any other textile, package them up and give them to your local op-shop or charity to be sorted and sold or given to someone who needs it. A simple google search can help you find your local one.

Another option for items that aren’t wearable any longer is to search for programs such as Manrags, H&M , King Cotton Australia plus multiple other amazing brands that take unusable textiles are recycle them into new textiles. 

Lastly, don’t fall for fast fashion! Next time you need an item, shop for comfort, quality and timeless style. And adventure to your local op-shop where you can find your very own one of a kind treasures.

Read more about the crazy numbers in Australian textiles here