Our Story

Based on the NSW Central Coast, I along with my partner Scott & 3 young boys have always been environmentally conscious, doing what we can to minimise our footprint.
It was my daily visit to the bakery each morning that inspired the idea for Aussie Bread Bags. I would line up with my own reusable bread bag, only to be followed by a line of people, many of the same people each day, who would have their loaf placed in a plastic bag provided by the bakery. It drove me nuts and so Aussie Bread Bags was born.
We're moving away from single use plastic in so many areas, why can't we do it for our freshly baked breads??
So kicking off Aussie Bread Bags is my way of helping combat the one million plus plastic bread bags entering Australian landfills EVERY SINGLE DAY!! That equates to the same weight as 19 Blue Whales every year!
Although you can buy your very own Aussie Bread Bag here and I’ll post it straight to you, I also encourage you to ask your local bakery get in contact with me to become a stockist!
I would love to see Aussie Bread Bags in every bakery across Australia & virtually eliminate the use of plastic bread bags.
Much love, Holly x
**In any given week, 11 million Australians buy a loaf of bread, leaving behind over 2000 tonnes of plastic to go into landfill every year. Help us change this problem of 1.5 million plastic bread bags being discarded every day in Australia.**